Monday, February 21, 2011


Final Piece



For my self-promotional notepad I decided to focus on my skills in illustration. Because my ideal future employer is a fantasy book publisher or a company like "Wizards of the Coast" I chose to focus on fantasy images for my thumbnails and rough.
The specifications for this notepad are as follows:
7 x 5 inch, black ink only with a bleed. 50 sheets per pad, padded, with a chip board back.
Printing Services at Whitesitt Hall gave me a price quote of $3.13 for this type of notepad. I was told that the file type they preferred for this job was a PDF.

The target audience for this notepad is any potential employers that I encounter.

The call to action is to convince these employers to contact me for a job interview and to set myself apart from other applicants.

All of the images in this blog post were designed and created by me. The thumbnails and roughs were hand drawn and the Final image was created in Illustrator. The QR code was generated by